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Chair of Botany

The Chair of Botany is dominated by works in the field of plants taxonomy and lichen fungi, species diversity of plants and lichens, chorology, plant and lichen ecology. Here, the Chair also keeps the KRAP-L lichen herbarium, which is unique in Southern Poland.



prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szeląg

Podchorążych 2 St., room 207N

phone: +48 12 662 7823



Research and teaching staff

dr. hab. Beata Barabasz-Krasny, prof. UP

Podchorążych 2 St., room 313N

phone: +48 12 662 7825



dr. hab. Robert Kościelniak, prof. UP

Podchorążych 2 St., room 201N

phone:tel. +48 12 662 7831



dr. Laura Betleja

Podchorążych 2 St., room 201N

phone: +48 12 662 7831




dr. hab. eng. Tomasz Zielonka, prof. UP

Podchorążych 2 St., room 207N

phone: +48 12 662 7823




Engineering and technical staff

Ewa Korzeniak

Podchorążych 2 St., room 208N

phone: +48 12 662 7824




PhD Students

Katarzyna Izworska, MSc

Agnieszka Tatoj, MSc, eng.